If you don't need it anymore, donate to someone who might. If broken, place pieces in general waste.
Are your old baskets a real basket case? Making you feel cased up in your house?...
Ok that was a stretch... If your household suddenly has a need for three times as much washing, and your old basket just isn't cutting it, maybe see if there's someone else who might need a new one! So long as there aren't any gaping holes or major structural damage (a basket without handles is a relatively useless bowl), these can be reused for countless things!
Due to the plethora of materials used for baskets, they generally are bound for the general waste bin if they aren't serving their intended function anymore.
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Herdsman Lake Discovery Centre
Corner of Flynn and Selby Street, Wembley, 6014
9387 6079
Also available (soon) on the Dapper Cranium Studios Ko-Fi store